I would like to see an Amplenote Integration. Started using Amplenote and it is much more than a simple Note Taking App. It seems to encompass Jots (basic Notes), Notes (expanded Jots/larger Notes), Tasks and a Calendar that Integrates with Google (and a few other) Calendars.
It seems to have a really good workflow and comprehensive set of tools for getting down (quick capture) ideas and turning those into actions (when needed). Additionally (and possibly more importantly) when you are like me and end up with a ridiculous number of things that need to be done, Amplenote not only has a Priority system, it also automatically "scores" ToDo items based a a number of user inputs, the frequency at which one looks at a related note/s and the number of days since a ToDo was created.
The Task Score can also be manually edited, but the system is designed to automatically "bubble" tasks back to the top of the ToDo List as time and priority and activity changes. This (to me) is a real game changer and frees one up to concentrate on GST (Getting Sh!t Done) as opposed to continually having to shuffle around priority levels.
Would be great to be able to create Tasks in Amplenote from Missive. This would be SO helpful and just another great addition to the Missive workflow.