Global view for tasks
Will Goldstein
I am seeing that the tasks on the sidebar are only showing tasks for an email or conversation you have open, but you instantly lose sight of tasks you need done if you move away from that thread.
Why not list all tasks in there as a way to have a better high level picture of things that need to be done? Also, why can't we make tasks from within that sidebar on the fly?
Eva Tang
This is now live with the newest tasks release!
In your left hand sidebar, you should see a new dedicated "Tasks" space.
Within this global tasks view, you can filter, group, and sort however you like.
And you can now create a task from anywhere in Missive using the shortcut "command" + "T" (on a Mac).
Will Goldstein
Eva Tang nice, thank you!
Melissa Fritz
Eva Tang Excited for this release! Just struggling a little with ins and outs. For example, when creating a task (checkbox item) in a personal email (not shared), it is not appearing in my personal task view, unless I assign it to me. (This may be as intended, it just seemed counterintuitive to me.)
Also, though, unassigned tasks (checkbox items) in general do not seem to be appearing in any task list. We like to be able to see unassigned tasks in their respective team task lists, too.
Eva Tang
Melissa Fritz: Great points. You're totally right that it should auto assign, it doesn't today, but that's something we'll want to improve shortly.
And as for unassigned tasks, one way you can do this is looking at grouping options and setting it to "assignees". You'll see the unassigned tasks at the bottom.
Melissa Fritz
Eva Tang Thank you so much for considering the feedback! I'm not sure if the view isn't quite working for us (or maybe we have too many unassigned tasks), but the unassigned category is not showing up for us in the Tasks area.
(Alternatively, I think our team would also be OK if, in general not just in the personal threads, that the default assignee for a checkbox task be the one who made it. Then if it's not actually their task, they can assign, but I realize that this may not be everyone's preferred workflow.)
Eva Tang
Melissa Fritz apologies for the delayed reply! Is this view still present for you? We shipped a bunch of fixes since Feb 6.
Melissa Fritz
Eva Tang No worries! I'm sure the team has been busy with the launch and updates. We still do not seen the "unassigned" category, but only in some of the inboxes. We've made test tasks in each team that have not been assigned to anyone, and in some inboxes we can see them in the unassigned task category, but our main box still does not show this category.
Jason Ali
Is there a Due date for release for this feature yet? Really need it like yesterday 😭
Michael Hyatt
Yes, I've been wanting this for a while!
Philippe Lehoux
Michael Hyatt: Progress is being made, don't despair Michael.
Philippe Lehoux
We will be able to show more, soon!
Bruce Burton
Philippe Lehoux We were excited to see this in "Fall" ;-).
Now hoping it's before Christmas or very early New Year. Our Mailbox, Sales and Tech Support Processes don't function well under Missive alone, and are messy with sidebar integrations. We've been waiting forever for this and we'd like to get on with implementing it! Merry Christmas.
Philippe Lehoux
Bruce Burton: It's pretty much done, but we don't want to roll it out before the holidays. It will be shipped soon after. Merry Christmas!
Steve McBride
Philippe Lehoux Fantastic news. I'm sure you all deserve a break - enjoy.
Dave Nunn
Philippe Lehoux very much looking forward to this 'Power feature' hoping it will offer a comparable experience on mobile.
Jhon LeBaron
Looking forward to this. It is so needed!
Simon Tye
Very much looking forward to this.
Ben Channon
Love literally every single thing here!!
Apologies if it's been asked....
- The video mentions triggering Task templates via rules... will we also be able to trigger single tasks by rules? ... I know I ask a lot, but also by API??
- Any chance that tasks could be set to "recurring" (mostly for templates) or maybe be able to toggle a "repeat" on/off for tasks?
Philippe Lehoux
Ben Channon: ✅ rule + API. As for recurring tasks, this won't be part of our V1. Too many features = delayed launch...
Esty Spira
Love this major improvement! Here are my thoughts 1) please make the status options also customizable (to do, in progress and completed - it would be great if we can add more options) 2) there should be a view/filter option for assigned by
Philippe Lehoux
Esty Spira: 1) This is the long-term goal, but not for the first version. 2) Yes, this will be in our v1.
TakeHold Printing
LOVE IT!!!! :)
Philippe Lehoux
in progress
We have been working on scoping the upcoming task improvements.
Our goal is to integrate conversations and tasks in a natural way to improve visibility and accountability. As you can imagine, this requires a few core changes to ensure simplicity and ease of use. Let's dive in!
Video demo:
Currently, in Missive, you can assign and close a conversation. This is useful for customer support, where you don’t need to be descriptive about what needs to be done. The act of assigning a customer question is good enough, your colleague will reply to the customer and then close the conversation.
When you need to be more descriptive about the work that needs to be accomplished, Missive offers the ability to create tasks within conversations, each of which can be assigned to a colleague. For instance, you might create a task for your assistant to export a specific PDF report and attach it to one of your drafts.
Having two different mechanisms (assigned conversations and tasks) to keep track of what needs to be done creates complexity. Ultimately, whether it's an assigned conversation or an assigned task, the key is to have tools to plan your day and know what you and your colleagues need to focus on.
This upcoming update will thus not only focus on bringing a My tasks view but also bridge the gap between assigned conversations and tasks. So both can be managed using the same tools (My tasks, Calendars, Due date, etc.)
Any feedback?
Matt in the Hat
Philippe Lehoux this all looks really great and I am looking forward to using it, great move guys!
Alec Wills
Philippe Lehoux demo video looks very impressive. Combining assigned to and tasks makes a lot of sense and retaining sub-tasks works. New overview views are what I've been hoping for. Templates and automations should be great for some of our use cases. I'm hoping that there are triggers for status change, assigned change and due date close, missed, etc. Also hoping there will be API endpoints to CRUD tasks/templates. Very excited to see it when it's released.
Philippe Lehoux
Alec Wills: Yes, to everything you're asking for, but it might not be released in version 1.
Ben Channon
Philippe Lehoux, Awesome work as always, Any cheeky hance of a Approx Release date for V1?
Philippe Lehoux
Merged in a post:
Tasks mailbox
Lars Ewers
It would be very helpful to have shortcut to all emails with open tasks on the left sidebar, just like we have for snoozed, closed or emails with comments. I know I can filter for emails with tasks but the access would be much quicker from the sidebar.
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