Add due date for tasks
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Eva Tang
This is now possible with the new tasks feature. Assign a due date to any task, then filter, sort, and group your tasks view however you like.

Philippe Lehoux
Merged in a post:
tasks page, and add due date to task.
Hudson Levine

Debra Taylor
any update on the eta for this to be rolled out? I saw this question previously, but am not seeing a specific answer...

Philippe Lehoux
Debra Taylor: It's pretty much done, but we don't want to roll it out before holidays. We will release the feature early January.
Tristan Mallinson
This feature is desparately needed to convince our users to properly move over from Outlook!

Great !!! - Which is the ETA ?

Philippe Lehoux
Mattia : Fall
Hudson Levine
Philippe Lehoux Can you link a task to a contact? Also can you add task creation to rules. Eg i would like to automate setting a task to follow up a lead if they have not responded to our message after x days

Philippe Lehoux Have you any release date ?

Aman Tamana
Philippe Lehoux is this done ?

Philippe Lehoux
Aman Tamana: It's pretty much done, but we don't want to roll it out before holidays. Will be shipped soon after.

Bruce Burton
Fantastic - just what we've been waiting for.
Can one sort/filter by priority?

Philippe Lehoux
Bruce Burton: Not in version 1, but definitely soon after.

Expecting a feature that can create a task independently, without needing to derive it from a conversation.

Philippe Lehoux
Info TTB UK: Yes, this is planned, tasks won't have to be linked to a conversation.

Philippe Lehoux
in progress
We have been working on scoping the upcoming task improvements.
Our goal is to integrate conversations and tasks in a natural way to improve visibility and accountability. As you can imagine, this requires a few core changes to ensure simplicity and ease of use.
Let's dive in!
Video demo:
Currently, in Missive, you can assign and close a conversation. This is useful for customer support, where you don’t need to be descriptive about what needs to be done. The act of assigning a customer question is good enough, your colleague will reply to the customer and then close the conversation.
When you need to be more descriptive about the work that needs to be accomplished, Missive offers the ability to create tasks within conversations, each of which can be assigned to a colleague. For instance, you might create a task for your assistant to export a specific PDF report and attach it to one of your drafts.
Having two different mechanisms (assigned conversations and tasks) to keep track of what needs to be done creates complexity. Ultimately, whether it's an assigned conversation or an assigned task, the key is to have tools to plan your day and know what you and your colleagues need to focus on.
This upcoming update will thus not only focus on bringing a My tasks view but also bridge the gap between assigned conversations and tasks. So both can be managed using the same tools (My tasks, Calendars, Due date, etc.)
Any feedback?

Jason Ali
Philippe Lehoux This is a really promising start on Task Management. Is it possible to set Tasks as recurring e.g. when closed/completed make this task recur every Monday with an end date in mind or no end date. That would be my next requirement on tasks if that feature is not created yet.

Michael Eames
Philippe LehouxThanks for this and glad to know it's taking shape. First I second Jason's comment about setting something as recurring. I wonder also if tags can be a feature of Tasks and then have the ability to group by tag? We have a number of areas continually have ToDos and would be great to group them all together by a custom tag such as "Register This Song" or something like that. And even if tasks don't have to be linked to a conversation and can be created independently, there might become a need to reference a conversation or a specific email as part of a task created outside a conversation so maybe a field that is intended only for URLs/Missive links to reference the conversation or email that is within Missive?

Neal Bailey
Philippe Lehoux Great to see this, is there an expected ETA at present, like End Q2, Q3 etc

Tim Jasper
Hi Philippe Lehoux do you need any beta testing?

Neal Bailey
bumping this question, I timeline or some kind would be greatly appreciated, even a worse case one, thank you
Rick Buffington
Weird enough, I see that this has been requested as far out as February this point I'm guessing this isn't gonna happen?

Philippe Lehoux
Merged in a post:
Due Dates for Tasks and Conversations
Ability to add due dates for tasks would be great
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